Sunday, October 1, 2017

Tarea 10/2 - 10/6--Scroll down and find your class!!

Wednesday--Your classwork from after the test --tu horario--is due today.  Tonight´s homework--worksheet 32 is due tomorrow.
Thursday--  worksheet 33 is due tomorrow.
Friday-- Crucigrama is due Wednesday.

Wednesday--worksheet 32 is due today.  Tonight´s homework- worksheet 33 is due tomorrow.
Thursday-- crucigrama is due tomorrow.
Friday-- No homework.  Test next Thursday on class/ school vocabulary

Tuesday--worksheet 32 is due today.  Tonight´s homework- worksheet 33 is due tomorrow.
Wednesday-- crucigrama is due Friday.
Friday-- No homework.  Test next Wednesday on class/ school vocabulary

Monday--  Presentational writing assignment due today(test grade).  Tonight´s homework--worksheet P-1 is due Wednesday.
Wednesday--worksheet P-2 is due tomorrow.
Thursday-- Get presentational writing and presentational speaking rubrics signed for Wednesday.  Bring in headphones next class.

Monday-- Presentational writing assignment due today(test grade).  Tonight´s homework--worksheet P-1 is due tomorrow.
Tuesday--worksheet P-2 is due Thursday.
Thursday-- Get presentational writing and presentational speaking rubrics signed for Tuesday.    Bring in headphones next class.

Monday-- Presentational writing assignment due today(test grade).  Tonight´s homework--worksheet P-1 is due tomorrow.
Tuesday--worksheet P-2 is due tomorrow.
Wednesday-- No homework.  Bring in headphones next class.

Monday-- En camino B packet is due today.  Try packet first without notes, then check w/ your notes and correct in a different color pen or pencil.  Tonight´s homework-- fact sheet is due Friday.
Friday-- Capitals loteria card due next Friday.

Monday-- En camino B packet is due today.  Try packet first without notes, then check w/ your notes and correct in a different color pen or pencil.  Tonight´s homework-- fact sheet is due Friday.
Friday-- Capitals loteria card due next Friday.

Tuesday-- Capitals loteria card due today.    Tonight´s homework-- cut out and study the country/capital flashcards for Thursday.
Thursday-- no homework.

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