Monday, December 16, 2019

12/16-12/20--Felices Fiestas--Scroll down and find your class.

Monday-Special class--Poetry w/ Ms.Connelly and I.  Tonight's homework-- subject pronoun test on Wednesday.  There are flashcards to practice with in out google classroom.
Wednesday- subject pronoun test today.  Finish the classwork from after the test for Friday.
Friday-- No homework.

Monday-Special class--Poetry w/ Ms.Connelly and I.  Tonight's homework-- subject pronoun test tomorrow.  There are flashcards to practice with in out google classroom.
Tuesday- no school today-- test postponed to Friday.
Friday-- subject pronoun test today. 

Monday-Special class--Poetry w/ Ms.Connelly and I.  Tonight's homework-- We will have a subject pronoun test after vacation on Friday 1/3.  There are flashcards to practice with in out google classroom.
Thursday- no class today--field trip.
Friday--  no class today--holiday sing-a-long.

Monday-You needed to finish the classwork packet from Thursday for homework due today.   Tonight's homework- Color the clock due Wednesday.
Wednesday- No homework.
Thursday-- No homework.

Monday-You needed to finish the classwork packet from Thursday for homework due today.   Tonight's homework- Color the clock due tomorrow.
Tuesday- No school today.
Thursday-- No homework.

Monday-You needed to finish the classwork packet from Thursday for homework due today.   Tonight's homework- Color the clock due tomorrow.
Tuesday- No school today.
Thursday-- No homework.

Tuesday- No school today.
Friday-- uno y uno son dos worksheet due today.  No homework.

Tuesday- No school today.
Friday-- crucigrama worksheet due today.  No homework.

Wednesday- uno y uno son dos worksheet due today.  Tonight's homework-  crucigrama worksheet due tomorrow.
Thursday-- No homework.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Tarea 12/9-12/13--scroll down and find your class!

Monday-worksheet 2A-2 due today.  Tonight's homework-- 1) worksheet 3-6 and 2) cut out the subject pronoun flashcards and bring in a baggie or envelope for Wednesday
Wednesday- subject pronoun test next Wednesday.
Friday- Special class--Poetry w/ Ms.Connelly and I.  Tonight's homework--subject pronoun test on Wednesday.

Monday-- worksheet 3-6 due tomorrow.
Tuesday- subject pronoun test next Tuesday.
Friday- Special class--Poetry w/ Ms.Connelly and I.  Tonight's homework--subject pronoun test on Tuesday.

Monday-worksheet 2A-2 due today.  Tonight's homework-- 1) worksheet 3-6 and 2) cut out the subject pronoun flashcards and bring in a baggie or envelope for Thursday
Thursday- no homework.
Friday- Special class--Poetry w/ Ms.Connelly and I.

Monday- 1) Get your Billy la Bufanda test signed for Wednesday. 2) Start your monster drawing and description (test grade-- no homework passes will be allowed) for Thursday.
Wednesday- Your monster drawing and description are due tomorrow.  Follow the guidelines on the handout from Monday.
Thursday--Monster drawings and descriptions due today.  Tonight's homework- finish the classwork packet for Monday.

Monday- 1) Get your Billy la Bufanda test signed for tomorrow. 2) Start your monster drawing and description (test grade-- no homework passes will be allowed) for Thursday.
Tuesday- Your monster drawing and description are due on Thursday.  Follow the guidelines on the handout from Monday.
Thursday--Monster drawings and descriptions due today.  Tonight's homework- finish the classwork packet for Monday.

Monday- 1) Get your Billy la Bufanda test signed for tomorrow. 2) Start your monster drawing and description (test grade-- no homework passes will be allowed) for Thursday.
Tuesday- Your monster drawing and description are due on Thursday.  Follow the guidelines on the handout from Monday.
Thursday--Monster drawings and descriptions due today.  Tonight's homework- finish the classwork packet for Monday.

Tuesday- worksheet actividad J due today. This is the last week to retake your Gozadera/geography quiz.  See me to set up a time.  Tonight's homework-  matematicas worksheet due Friday.
Friday-- uno y uno son dos worksheet due Tuesday.

Tuesday- matematicas worksheet due today. This is the last week to retake your Gozadera/geography quiz.  See me to set up a time.  Tonight's homework-   uno y uno son dos worksheet due Friday.
Friday-- crucigrama due Tuesday.

Wednesday- worksheet actividad J due today. This is the last week to retake your Gozadera/geography quiz.  See me to set up a time.  Tonight's homework-  matematicas worksheet due tomorrow.
Thursday-- uno y uno son dos worksheet due Wednesday.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tarea 12/2 - 12/6 --Scroll down and find your class!

Monday-  1) Get your class vocabulary test signed and returned for Wednesday and 2) worksheet 2A-5 due Wednesday.
Wednesday- no homework
Friday- worksheet 2A-2 due Monday.

Monday-  1) Get your class vocabulary test signed and returned for tomorrow and 2) worksheet 2A-5 due tomorrow.
Tuesday-  worksheet 2A-2 due Friday.
Friday- no homework

Monday- 1) Get your class vocabulary test signed and returned for Friday and 2) worksheet 2A-5 due Friday..
Thursday- No school today.
Friday- worksheet 2A-2 due Monday,

Monday- 1) worksheet activity E due Wednesday. 2) Cabeza, hombros, rodillas pies extra-credit for Wednesday.
Wednesday- TBA
Thursday--No school today.

Monday-  1) worksheet activity E due tomorrow.  2) Also, If you missed the Billy La Bufanda quiz last Monday be ready to take it tomorrow during class. 3) Cabeza, hombros, rodillas pies extra-credit for tomorrow.
Tuesday-  TBA
Thursday-- No school today.

Monday-  1) worksheet activity E due tomorrow.  2) Also, If you missed the Billy La Bufanda quiz last Monday be ready to take it tomorrow during class. 3) Cabeza, hombros, rodillas pies extra-credit for tomorrow.
Tuesday-  TBA
Thursday-- No school today.

Tuesday- No class today-- delay.  You may retake your Gozadera/geography quiz this week.  See me to set up a time.
Friday-- worksheet actividad J due Tuesday.

Tuesday- 1) worksheet actividad J due Friday.  2) You may retake your Gozadera/geography quiz this week.  See me to set up a time.
Friday-- matematicas worksheet due Tuesday.

Wednesday- 1) worksheet actividad J due Wednesday. 2) You may retake your Gozadera/geography quiz this week.  See me to set up a time.
Thursday-- No school today.