Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tarea 4/1 -4/5

7th Grade:
Monday-- crossword is due today.  Tonight's homework-- You need the following for class on Wednesday: 1) a copy of a map of your chosen country 2) climate information for your chosen country 3) a posterboard for your weather map 4) your rubric and 5) your project timeline.
Weather Report Project Planning Sheet link
Weather Report Rubric link

Wednesday--1) Get weather test signed by a parent/guardian and returned for Friday. 2) Finish writing your script for Friday.  All students must have their own copy of the script.  Single space work will not be accepted. 3) Bring any art supplies that you need for your weather map. 4) make sure you have your rubric and project timeline with you.

Friday-- 1) Be ready to present your newscast on Tuesday!!  What ever is not finished in class is homework--map, weather visuals, index cards, etc.  Practice your lines so that you will be prepared for your presentation.  2) Make sure to have your rubric for Tuesday.  You may want to dress up for your presentation as well.

8th Grade:
Tuesday--Pages 138-139 in your book, comprendes questions are due today.  Tonight's homework--Prepare for your oral presentation (page 141 in your book) on Thursday.  Make sure you are ready for either roll--exchange student or host.

Thursday--Oral presentations today--this is a communication test grade.  Make sure that you have your rubric! Tonight's homework--get your 3A test signed and returned for Monday.

6-1:You should have your reverse loteria card for today 4/1.  Write a different letter and how you say it in each box.  No repeat letters. Tonight's homework-- 1) make flashcards for each letter in the Spanish alphabet and how you say it.  Ex: A -- /Ah/, B--/Bay/  2) make sure everything is glued in and completed in your notebook.  Notebooks will be collected to be graded next Monday 4/8.

6-2:  You should have finished the 2 classwork papers on the colors and 2) notebooks will be collected to be graded today 4/3.  Tonight's homework-- Get your alphabet test signed by a parent and returned for next Wednesday 4/10.

6-3: 1) You should have made flashcards for each letter in the Spanish alphabet and how you say it.  Ex: A -- /Ah/, B--/Bay/  and 2) make sure everything is glued in and completed in your notebook.  Notebooks will be collected to be graded today 4/5.  2)  No homework assigned this week--our next class will be 4/26.  Test on the Spanish alphabet coming up after vacation on 5/3.

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