Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tarea 10/22 - 10/26

 8th Grade:
Monday-- you will have a test on the present tense conjugations of -ar,-er, and -ir verbs today.  Tonight's homework--reread your esqueleto oral presentation rubric and write your rough draft for  for Wednesday.  Skip lines or double space!!

Wednesday-Your oral presentation rough draft is due today.   Tonight's homework:  Get your graded verb quiz signed by a parent and returned for Friday.  Also, work on your skeleton.

Friday-- Practice and prepare for your esqueleto oral presentation on Tuesday! Make corrections to your rough draft, finish your skeleton, and make index cards if necessary.  Reading off of a piece of paper will not be allowed.  Practice, practice, practice!! Bring your rubric as well!

7th Grade:
Tuesday--Study for your class commands and expressions quiz today.  Study your flashcards, 2 pages of notes, and practice quiz.  Tonight--no homework assigned.

Thursday--1) get your commands quiz signed by a parent/guardian and returned for Monday. 2)Do one of the following homework assignments for Monday:
A.  Compare and contrast Halloween and El Dia de los Muertos.  How are Halloween celebrations different from El Dia de los Muertos celebrations?  In what ways are they similiar?
     B.  Write a poem about El Día de los Muertos
     C.   Write a short story about El Día de los Muertos.
     D.  Make a illustrated / written description about El Día de los Muertos (think graphic novel).
     E.  Make a fact sheet about El Día de los Muertos.

6-1:  Your homework due was to 1)  do the Why study Spanish? reflection in your Spanish notebook and 2)  make sure all papers are glued in your Spanish notebook and completed.  Notebooks will be collected today, Monday 10/22 to be graded.  Tonight's homework--Dia de los Muertos questions due in 2 weeks.

6-2: Your homework due was to make sure all papers are glued in your Spanish notebook and completed.  Notebooks will be collected today, Wednesday 10/24 to be graded.  Tonight's homework--Dia de los Muertos questions due in 2 weeks.

6-3:  Your homework due was to make sure all papers are glued in your Spanish notebook and completed.  Notebooks will be collected today, Friday 10/26 to be graded.  Tonight's homework--Dia de los Muertos questions due in 2 weeks.

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