Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tarea 5/23 - 5/27

6-1: Monday--Your Oruga Muy Hambrienta books are due today. You also need to hand in your rubric and rough draft along with your book. Tonight's homework--finish making your oruga hambrienta loteria card--due next class.

6-3: Wednesday--Your Oruga Muy Hambrienta books are due today. You also need to hand in your rubric and rough draft along with your book. Tonight's homework--finish making your oruga hambrienta loteria card--we will play next week.

6-2: Friday--Your homework due this week is to have your Oruga Muy Hambrienta rubric signed by a parent or guardian. This week's homework: We will work on our books in class but you must finish them for homework. Follow the rubric and use your rough draft! Don't forget-- you'll need to hand in your rough draft and signed rubric along with your book next week.

7th Grade:
Tuesday--2-sided worksheet 35/36 is due today. Tonight's homework--worksheet 37

Thursday--study your practice quiz and pages 82 (subject pronouns) and 84 (-ar verbs)--for your test on Tuesday. Memorize your verb endings!!! You may make flashcards for the subject pronouns as well as the verb endings for extra-credit. Remember--no school Monday!

Monday-- 1) 2-sided worksheet 125/126 2) 4A vocabulary quiz next class--study pages 172-178 and your practice quiz.

Wednesday-- vocabulary quiz today! Tonight's hw--1) finish your classwork 2-sided worksheet 143/144 2) study for quiz on the verb ir and al vs. a la --study pages 177 and page 180--your quiz is on next Wednesday 6/1--our next class.

Monday-- stem-changing verbs paper--use your notes!!

Wednesday-- study your practice quiz, pages 198-208, page 218 and your stem-changing verbs notes--4B vocabulary quiz on Friday.

Friday--Quiz today. Tonight's hw--finish your classwork on -go verbs for Wednesday.

Monday-- 2-sided worksheet 69/70.

Wednesday--study your practice quiz, pages 172-184 and page 194--4A vocabulary and the verb ir quiz on Friday.

Friday--Quiz today!! Tonight's hw--finish classwork 2-sided worksheet 143/144 for homework due Wednesday.

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