Sunday, April 24, 2016


Monday--1) 4A crossword and 2) get your take home writing signed for tomorrow.
Tuesday-- Study for your 4A test on Friday.
Friday-- 4A test today.  Finish the classwork from after the test for homework due Monday.

Monday--1) 4A crossword and 2) get your take home writing signed for Friday.
Wednesday-- no class due to PARCC testing
Friday--Study for your 4A test on Monday.

Monday--1) 4A crossword and 2) get your take home writing signed for Thursday.
Thursday-- Study for your 4A test on Friday.
Friday-- 4A test today.  Finish the classwork from after the test for homework due Monday.

Monday--Weather presentations today.  No homework tonight.
Wednesday-- Get your weather test signed and weather presentation rubric signed and returned for tomorrow.
Thursday-- Worksheet 1A-1 for Monday.

Monday--If you did not present before vacation, you will be giving your weather presentations today.  No homework tonight.
Tuesday-- No class due to PARCC testing.
Thursday-- 1) worksheet 1A-1 and 2) Get your graded weather report rubric signed and returned for Monday.

Tuesday-- no class due to PARCC testing.
Thursday--  Finish your map and prepare for your weather presentation tomorrow!  See project timeline day 4!
Friday--Presentations today. Note:  If you did not present today, be ready to present on Tuesday!
Tonight´s homework-- Get your weather test signed for Friday!

Monday-- 2-sided worksheet head, shoulders/knees and toes due Thursday.
Thursday--worksheet actividad 6 is due Monday.

Tuesday-- worksheet actividad 6 is due tomorrow.
Wednesday-- Due on Tuesday, draw a monster and on a separate sheet of paper, write a description of it in Spanish.  Follow the examples I have given you.  This will be graded as a presentational writing grade--you cannot use a hw pass as it is a quiz grade.

Wednesday--2-sided worksheet 61/62 is due today.  Tonight´s homework-- 2-sided worksheet head, shoulders/knees and toes due Friday.
Friday--worksheet actividad 6 is due Wednesday.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Monday--You needed to finish the in class graded writing assignment act 11 for today.  Tonight´s homework-- worksheet 4A-5 due tomorrow.
Tuesday--no homework.

Monday--You needed to finish the in class graded writing assignment act 11 for today.  Tonight´s homework-- worksheet 4A-5 due Wednesday.
Wednesday--no homework.

Monday--You needed to finish the in class graded writing assignment act 11 for today.  Tonight´s homework-- worksheet 4A-5 due Thursday.
Thursday--no homework.

Monday-- You need to have your 1) posterboard (unless filming w/doink greenscreen), 2) a map of your chosen country, and 3) climate info on your chosen country for today.  Tonight´s homework--Finish the rough draft of your script for Wednesday.  Skip lines or double space.  
Wednesday--rough drafts are due today.  Project timeline day 3.
Thursday-- Project timeline day 4.  Weather report oral presentations will be the Monday after vacation--Monday 4/25.

Monday--You needed to finish the rough draft of your script for today.  Skip lines or double space.   Project timeline day 3.
Tuesday--Project timeline day 4. Weather report oral presentations will be tomorrow.  Be ready to present tomorrow!!  Finish your map and weather visuals in not finished in class today.
Thursday-- Presentation day!  If you or your partner is absent today, you need tobe ready to present on the Monday after vacation--Monday 4/25.

Tuesday-- You need to have your 1) posterboard (unless filming w/doink greenscreen), 2) a map of your chosen country, and 3) climate info on your chosen country for today.  Tonight´s homework--Finish the rough draft of your script for Thursday.  Skip lines or double space.  
Thursday--rough drafts are due today.  Project timeline day 3. Weather report oral presentations will be the Friday after vacation--Friday 4/29.  Note--Our next class is Thursday 4/28.

Monday--You needed to 1) do the 2-sided worksheet 61/62 and 2) Get your days/dates test signed and returned for today.  No homework tonight.
Thursday-- No homework tonight.

Tuesday--2-sided worksheet 61/62 is due today.  Tonight´s homework-- 2-sided head shoulders/ knees and toes worksheet is due tomorrow.
Wednesday--no homework.

Wednesday- 1) you needed to get your days/dates test signed and 2) you needed to finish the classwork packet for today. Tonight´s homework-- 2-sided worksheet 61/62 is due the Wednesday after vacation.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Monday--You needed to 1) get your take-home writing signed and 2) do worksheet 4A-1/4A-2 for today.  Tonight´s homework-- 2-sided worksheet 4A-3/4A-4 is due tomorrow.
Tuesday--worksheet 4A-5 is due Friday.
Friday--Finish the in class writing-graded writing assignment for Monday.

Monday--You needed to 1) get your take-home writing signed and 2) do worksheet 4A-1/4A-2 for today.  Tonight´s homework-- 2-sided worksheet 4A-3/4A-4 is due Wednesday.
Wednesday--question worksheet is due Friday.
Friday--Finish the in class writing-graded writing assignment for Monday.

Monday--You needed to 1) get your take-home writing signed and 2) do worksheet 4A-1/4A-2 for today.  Tonight´s homework-- 2-sided worksheet 4A-3/4A-4 is due Thursday.
Thursday--question worksheet is due tomorrow.
Friday--Finish the in class writing-graded writing assignment for Monday.

Monday--Study for your weather and seasons test on Wednesday.
Wednesday-- Test today.  Tonight´s homework--finish the classwork crossword for tomorrow.
Thursday--Weather Report project work day 1-- 1) get a posterboard (unless filming w/doink greenscreen), 2) a map of your chosen country, and 3) climate info on your chosen country for Monday.  You and your partner will split up who is bringing what.

Monday--1) review crossword due tomorrow.
Tuesday-- 1)  Get your test signed for Thursday.  2) Weather Report project work day 1-- 1) get a posterboard (unless filming w/doink greenscreen), 2) a map of your chosen country, and 3) climate info on your chosen country for Thursday.  You and your partner will split up who is bringing what.
Thursday--Finish the rough draft of your script for Monday.  Skip lines or double space.    Weather report oral presentations will be next Thursday.

Tuesday--Study for your weather and seasons test on Thursday.
Thursday-- Test today.  Tonight´s homework--finish the classwork crossword for tomorrow.
Thursday--Weather Report project work day 1-- 1) get a posterboard (unless filming w/doink greenscreen), 2) a map of your chosen country, and 3) climate info on your chosen country for Tuesday.  You and your partner will split up who is bringing what.

Monday--Finish the classwork body packet for Thursday.
Thursday--1) 2-sided worksheet 61/62 and 2) Get your days/dates test signed and returned for Monday.

Tuesday--2-sided worksheet 61/62 is due next Tuesday.
Wednesday--no class due to PARCC

Wednesday- 2-sided worksheet 61/62 is due Friday and 2) get your days/dates test signed and returned for Friday.
Friday-- finish the classwork packet for Wednesday.