Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tarea 12/10-12/14

7th Grade:
Monday --worksheet 11 is due.  Tonight's homework--2-sided worksheet 79/80 is due Wednesday.

Wednesday--worksheet 34 is due Friday.

Friday--Study your notes, practice quiz and page 8 in your book, test on Tuesday on telling time.

8th Grade:
Tuesday--1) Your take home quiz needs to shared with a parent/guardian, signed, and returned for today. 2) Take home quiz revisions are also due today.  Tonight's homework--Study for your 2B test on Thursday.  Study pages 100-113, page 120, your notes, and practice quiz. You may make flashcards for extra-credit. 

6-1:  There will be a quiz this Monday 12/10 on greetings, goodbyes, meeting someone new, and "El Dia de los Muertos". Study your notes and practice quiz.  You make also make flashcards for extra-credit.  Tonight's homework--finish the three number practice classwork papers in your notebook for next Monday 12/17 .

6-2:  You needed to get your quiz signed by a parent/guardian and returned and 2) do the number crossword for this Wednesday 12/12.  Tonight's homework--number wordsearch due next Wednesday 12/19.

6-3:  Your number crossword is due this Friday 12/14.  Tonight's homework--number wordsearch due next Friday 12/21.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tarea 12/3 -12/7

7th Grade:
Tuesday--The classwork packet from after the test is due today.  Tonight's homework--1) worksheet 20 on time is due Thursday and 2) you number test needs to be shared with a parent/guardian, signed and returned for Thursday.

Thursday--worksheet 11 is due on Monday.

8th Grade:
Monday--2-sided worksheet 42/43 is due today.  Tonight's homework--take-home quiz (communication grade) is due Wednesday.  Follow the rubric carefully!  You must hand in the take-home quiz stapled to the rubric.

Wednesday--Take home quiz is due today.  Tonight's homework--2-sided worksheet 45/46 is due Friday.

Friday-- 1)  Study for your 2B test on Tuesday.  Study pages 100-113, page 120, your notes, and practice quiz. You may make flashcards for extra-credit.  2) Your take home quiz needs to shared with a parent/guardian, signed, and returned for Tuesday. 3) Take home quiz revisions are also due on Tuesday.

6-1:  The greetings paper in your notebook is due this Monday 12/3.  Tonight's homework--Study for your quiz next Monday 12/10 on greetings, goodbyes, meeting someone new, and "El Dia de los Muertos". Study your notes and practice quiz.  You make also make flashcards for extra-credit.

6-2:  The three number practice classwork papers in your notebook are due this Wed. 12/5.  Tonight's homework--1) get your quiz signed by a parent/guardian and returned and 2) number crossword is due next Wednesday 12/12.  

6-3:  You needed to 1) get your quiz signed by a parent/guardian and returned and 2) finish the three number practice classwork papers in your notebook for this Friday 12/7 .  Tonight's homework--number crossword is due next Friday 12/14.